Losing Fat Another Way

By: Carol Weber Images below are copyrighted to AliciaWeber.com

After my pregnancies, I used a weight loss method that was very successful for me. Now, to my surprise, I see that it is a method more commonly used than I would have expected!
Upon awakening, I would have coffee with fat free cream. Then, I would “jump” on my rebounder, also known as a mini-trampoline. I would listen to music and usually jump for 15 to 20 minutes.

Here are the important points for this weight loss method:

1. Your body was in a “fast” during sleep. Now you are burning the food from the previous night.

2. You are speeding up your food metabolism which will continue into the day.

3. You are burning fat NOT carbohydrates. If you ate breakfast and then jumped or exercised aerobically, you would burn the carbohydrates from the breakfast. But since you are still in the fasting state, your body burns the fat. This fat-burning state is called ketosis.

4. Jumping on a rebounder strengthens the ankles, improves the lymphatic system, helps bone density, and improves your balance. However, any aerobic activity works just as well for the weight loss.

Jump to Lose Fat Another Way!
After jumping I would be very careful with my meals. I would not eat until lunch time, and I would have balanced meals with low fat and low sugar. I would eat sensibly. I lost 30 pounds using this method.

If you don’t want to use a rebounder, you can do another aerobic exercise. An important point to remember is that exercising in the fasting state really increases fat-burning. CAUTION: Do not use this method if you are diabetic.

You have to huff and puff to get tight and tough!
Conditioning is vital for risk-free exercise. If you want to jump, start with 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 1 to 2 weeks. Then, after 2 weeks, increase to 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week for 1 to 2 weeks. Use this conditioning method, gradually increasing the exercising time. These days I jump for 30 minutes at a time, 3 to 5 days a week. Otherwise, I go to the gym and use an aerobic machine there. Whatever I do, I use the “fasting” until lunch. Of course, drinking water is vital during the exercise session.

***Get your Rebounder TODAY and start losing Fat in Another Way with Pure Fun 40-Inch Mini Trampoline with Handrail

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