Tag Archives: Tips for Exercise

Physical Fitness Testing Makes a Difference

By:  Weber Way to Wellness Reporter

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Just hitting the gym 3 times a week makes a person feel better, but the people that do that PLUS get tested in physical fitness get SO MUCH MORE out of fitness and LIFE!!

A top finisher in Alicia’s “2010 Toughest Fitness Challenge” said that the physical fitness testing is where she learned her strengths and weaknesses.  Going to the gym regularly, she never knew where she stood head to toe.  Now, she knows where she stands and is better because of her fitness challenge!

Alicia “World Record” Weber says, ”All walks of life can benefit from a fitness challenge no matter if you are behind the desk working all day or in the military.  However, if you are in the military or police, I feel you should do a fitness challenge yearly to stay on top of your game.”

Clyde works at the computer by day, but is there for his workouts at night.  He won 2 fitness challenges with Alicia so far.  He knows he will stretch himself and it is fun to see how far you can go under Alicia’s tutelage.

Alicia says, “Although people may hear ‘physical fitness testing’ and feel their stomachs churn and want to avoid the topic, my ‘tests’ are not regimented and mundane.  They can actually be pretty fun.”

Clyde just competed and won a “Lungfish Challenge” which consisted of an aquatic long jump, water intervals, and others.  Once one challenge is done, he is ready for another! 

Alicia gives Clyde a Pop Quiz for Spiderman Pushups and challenges him to 24 reps (his current best is 14 reps)!  He is preparing for Alicia’s January 2011 Fitness Challenge!

Clyde comments on his physical fitness excitement, “I love the adrenaline rush, goal setting, and competition. It is an individual competition to test myself and I trust Alicia to sculpt my body and be able to do things I can’t imagine doing.  Alicia is an ‘exercise artist’ with each exercise and workout preparing one for a bigger goal and achievement.”

A retired S.W.A.T police sniper believes yearly physical fitness testing is a MUST.  He trains under Alicia and recently won a competitive shooting competition. He has been challenged in a 3-min Aerobic Step Test and ab endurance challenges and he hopes to take part in Alicia’s next fitness challenge.  He believes being retired is about traveling and being able to climb the Great Wall of China or a mountain in France, if you wish.  You don’t want to come into retirement over-worked, bedridden, and unable to enjoy life because you left your physical fitness to the dogs! 

The retired S.W.AT police sniper says, “When you are out of shape as a police officer you are not only letting yourself down, but your partner.  Physical fitness has been shown to improve shooting, fighting, and the ability to handle stress.  Alicia’s workouts and fitness challenges are about all-around physical fitness and well being. She tailors the workouts to individual’s needs from beginner to advanced.”

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12 Tips for Better Eating

By:  Carol Weber

Hello Friends,

I recently was surprised to learn about the number of people who are bedridden or must be in a wheelchair. I was surprised because many of these people are in their 60’s! They have no pathological diseases. Their fate came about due to lack of exercise. They all were “couch potatoes” and, subsequently, became overweight which eventually led to atrophy of their muscles.

Just hearing about these persons gave me a sense of fear. If fear is a motivator to make me exercise more, then bring it on! Most of our health problems come from lack of exercise. We were made to move those 600+ muscles that we have. And, of course, the other problem that we have is our diet!

All of the newsletters I get from the medical experts say the same thing: our health is determined from our life style, NOT our genetics. Of course, there are exceptions. People who have thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, and other genetic disorders are truly limited by their genetics. I had to prepare blood transfusions for these children and adults on a regular basis. But the majority of us can choose our fates.


Dr. Jim Weber & Carol Weber

So, with this in mind, here’s a list of tips for making better diet choices.

1.)  Eat at least 1 salad daily. Lots of raw vegetables are filling & provide fiber and essential vitamins & minerals.

2.)  Completely cut sugars & simple carbohydrates from your diet. They create a “glucose–insulin–low blood sugar–more glucose desired” cycle.

3.)  Shore up on fiber—it’s filling so you’ll eat less. High fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, seeds, whole grains. Dr. Agatston, the cardiologist from the South Beach Diet, says a slice of bread should have 3 grams of fiber.

4.)  Soup is filling. Have clear broth-based soup as an appetizer rather than a creamy-based soup.

5.)  Make sure protein is included in your meals & snacks: chicken, turkey, tofu, low fat cheeses.

6.)  Drink plenty of water.

7.)  Eat an apple 15 minutes before a meal. Researchers have found that it cuts caloric intake by 200 calories.

8.)  Control portions—use a smaller plate.

9.)  Use xylitol-sweetened gum or mints. It satisfies between meals.

10.)  Allow yourself a piece of dark chocolate if you must have a treat.

11.)  Use a food journal. Being honest and writing out what is consumed can be very revealing and helpful.

12.)  Green tea is an excellent product to aid in weight loss, and it has many health benefits. I get a product which is flavored with no caffeine. A dropper is equal to 15 cups of green tea. You add a full dropper to your beverage. Go on line to check it out: www.herbasway.com or phone 1-800-672-7322. Next time I hope to discuss more about green tea and other products.

*Remember, don’t be afraid to huff and puff and get your heart rate up! Sweating doesn’t count!

~ Carol Weber

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Alicia Weber’s Health and Fitness Workout Plans, Log Book, and Nutrition Advice = Winning Physical Fitness!

By:  Weber Way to Wellness Reporter Click here to visit JD Productions.

CLERMONT, FLORIDA-October, 6, 2010, marks the 5th day of the Inaugural 14 Day Fat Flush Fitness Rush where Jenni shows success can happen!  Jenni lost 6 lbs by her fifth day and she is on a record-setting weight loss roll!!

Here she takes a break from her effective and exciting beach workouts to star in a commercial for Alicia Weber’s new physical fitness book, “Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness.”

Jenni has this book and keeps re-reading it.  This is a book she keeps reviewing as she logs her eating habits and workout results. Jenni finds solutions to her health questions in this book.  For instance, when she was sore she learned the right stretch to rid her pain.    The book is full of advice and motivation from Alicia Weber where she shares personal experiences from her athletic wins and she reveals health information to make you the best you can be! 

Jenni exclaims,”Alicia Weber is the epitome of creative fitness and ‘Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness’ proves why.”

Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness is for anybody looking to stay fit!

Watch the Preview of Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness Below:


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